Sunday, November 3, 2013

Your Marketing Plan and Social Marketing

Every business is constantly looking for ways to retain their competitive edge. Your direct competition can copy many of the things you do. They can come out with the same product or service, open another location next door to you, and market in the same ways as you do. If you want to stay ahead of them in your line of business the only true way to do so is by social marketing.

A few different techniques are combined into one with social marketing and this allows it to be a consistent method. Many people think of social marketing as something that is done online and on new social media sites. This misconception is prevalent. The type of marketing they are thinking of is really named social media marketing; something different. Social marketing is done both on and off of computers.

Social marketing starts with the important relationship that you and your business has with its customers. This relationship needs to be nurtured in every way possible. One way to do this is through physical meetings with your clients. E-mails and social media sites can also be used to keep in touch online. Usually you can determine which method is best on a case by case basis.

The rest will really take care of itself as long as you are sure to nurture the relationship you have with customers wherever possible. The second part of this marketing method involves customers spreading the word about your business. If they are happy with your business, then they will tell others in their life about you. This will lead to many referral sales opportunities. It will then be up to you to convert them to sales.

The best part about social marketing is that it has no cost. Throughout history many ancient cultures have employed this type of marketing in their business. It has been given its name just recently however. Your business marketing plan should start with social marketing since it has no real cost involved other than man power.

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